Christmas Giving Tree 2020 for Boys & Girls Village
/Thanks to the generosity of PRCC donors, we were able to bless a local foster home last year with dozens of toys, clothing, diapers and gift cards. This year, we've decided that due to COVID-19 restrictions we will hold our Giving Tree fundraiser online. Please donate on the church website and click the dropdown box that says "Giving Tree." If you prefer to send a check or place cash in this Sunday's offering, mark your donation with the words "Giving Tree." We will be accepting donations now through Sunday, Dec. 13th.
“Boys & Girls Village, a nonprofit that connects foster children and teens with foster parents. There are over 200 children and youth in the program right now who need someone to open their heart and home by providing a loving, temporary home until their parents can get the help they need after being separated from their children due to alcohol, drug abuse or other factors.” Click here for more information