Find a place to belong . .
Prayer group
We have an active prayer group that meets every Tuesday via Zoom to keep in prayer any concerns of the community. If you have a person or situation for which you'd like prayer, please contact the church at 914-764-9000 or click here to email us!
Women’s Connection
The Women’s Connection of PRCC is a vital and active part of the church, and, if you’re female, you’re automatically a part of it. So come get involved. There are many varied interests reflected in our activities, so you should be able to find something that appeals to you.
The Women’s Connection is all of us: young and old; daughters, mothers, and grandmothers; stay-at-home moms and working women. We try to respond to the interests of all. If you’re new or haven’t joined in an activity before, please give us a try.
Jazz Vespers
Musical series curated by Pete Malinverni, Music director of PRCC. Guest musicians and inspirational readings. Admission by free-will offering - all are invited!
Monthly news letter “Lifenotes”
Once a month, we publish a newsletter describing the happenings of the church and its members. Get on our email list. Email: You will receive a return email asking for your full name.